Best Practices for Formulating Collagen and Collagen-boosting Products Webinar
The global market for collagen is currently growing at 10% and set to hit $1bn in 2021 according to market estimates. And, you can find collagen in nearly every aisle of a retail store – from moisturizing face creams to sports powders, health bars, and beverages. During this webinar hosted by the Collagen Stewardship Alliance (CSA), experts will explore how brands and product developers are using new and emerging strategies to develop a new generation of finished products that meet consumers’ evolving needs. We will also discuss how responsible brands can leverage science in their positioning strategies to leverage trends for maximum impact.
Featured speakers:
- Jordan Rubin, Founder and CEO, Ancient Nutrition
- Sara Sibilla, PhD, Global Regulatory Strategy & Regulatory Affairs Lead, Health & Well-being at Unilever
- Lu Ann Williams, Director of Innovation, Innova Market Insights
- Jane Dummer, RD, President, Jane Dummer Consulting
- Len Monheit, CEO, Trust Transparency Center/Collagen Stewardship Alliance