
The Collagen Stewardship Alliance is chaired by Asma Ishaq, CEO, Modere. We currently have two working groups as detailed below.

Marketing/Communications Working Group

Planned initiatives:

  • Website including member profiles
  • Newsletter and social media programs, social media sentiment monitoring
  • Infographics and community support assets
  • Ongoing consumer and practitioner surveys and insights
  • Deep trade and consumer media engagement
  • Values-based engagement for the category (transparency, sustainability, authenticity, clarity)

Please contact us to get involved.

Scientific/Technical Working Group

Planned initiatives:

  • Research/clinical science database development
  • Researcher and expert database development
  • Online and in-person technical workshops
  • Technical, white paper and other content creation
  • Liaise with marketing/communications group to ensure a strong technical voice established and maintained

Please contact us to get involved.